Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that causes severe complications for patients who suffer from causing motor deficits, and associated manifestations of the systemic autonomic functions.
This disease is mentioned the first time in 1817 by James Parkinson, which takes its name. Based on clinical observations and examinations, said Parkinson like symptoms tremor, muscular rigidity, akinesia, changes in gait and posture (Dmochowski, 1999).
Neurological examinations indicate that PD patients affected by large losses have midbrain cells caused a lower communication between the Central Nervous System and the striatum. This lack of communication causes depletion of dopamine, which is essential for the perfect functioning of the brain. The deficit of dopamine causes motor problems, namely: coordinative, muscle stiffness to the changes in posture and gait (LOU et al., 2003).
Not many studies that can directly associate the Physical Exercise and Parkinson’s disease, but it can be observed a positive trend of using PE as a means to mitigate the degenerative effects of the disease. In the early stages of the disease, keep physically active patient has an important function to attenuate the development of pathological symptoms and reduce the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons speed (SMITH, Zigmond, 2003).
Given the huge possibility of physical exercises are a great strategy to mitigate the effects of the disease, the question remains, what methods would be interesting?
Miyai et al. (2000), applied walking protocol on a treadmill with partial body weight support for 4 weeks, during this period, as the development would gradually removing the support and obtained positive results with respect to improvements in walking and thereby facilitate daily activities. Two years later, the same researcher strengthened its research, but this time comparing his method with conventional physical therapy and showed that the practice of exercise was more substantial and lasting results.
Hisch et al. (2003) used a balance training protocol and a combined balance and muscular endurance for 10 weeks and was able to observe that both had improvement in balance and localized muscle strength, and the combined exercise was more efficient and persisted improvements for at least 4 weeks after the end of the study.
Emerging as the first study of multiple series protocol and higher load and lower volume, Schilling et al. (2010) found within 8 weeks, good gains in strength and improvements in mobility of the subjects.
Thus, we suggest that the regular practice of physical exercises are of great value to patients with Parkinson’s disease, improving their mobility, muscle strength, facilitating their daily activities and even slowing the deleterious effects caused by the condition.