Muscle Imbalance

Desequilibrio Muscular

According Bienfait (1995), The muscle imbalance, is a disorder of the musculoskeletal system; body movements result of muscular chains and when there postural changes, the organism reorganizes itself in compensation chains looking for an adaptive response to this disharmony.

The muscle imbalance is not respected by the simple difference between the torque between a member and another, or between agonists and antagonists, but, taking into account a normal value (CAILLET, 1977).

It is considered muscle imbalance not the difference in circumference between a member and the contralateral limb, but the sharp strength difference between right and left member and / or agonist and antagonist.

One should be very careful with regard to muscle imbalance, this can lead to changes in posture and increased risk of injury.

Image Reference: Blog Julio Lopes