The Pilates method would be effective for the treatment of low back pain?


You feel the discomfort in the lower back, know you need to strengthen and do not know what activities would be interesting? Does Pilates can help you? Check It Out!

       Low back pain has become common problem in society due to modernity. Due to hours standing or sitting hours in a position to breach the proper posture, low back pain appears as one of the biggest factors that end up limiting routine activities temporarily or even permanently (WEINER et al., 2006).

       The lumbar region has the essential task to accommodate the loads from the body weight, muscle action and externally applied forces, it must be rigid, flexible and extremely strengthened to play a protective role (ALMEIDA et al., 2006).

      Low back pain is usually caused by poor posture and can range from mild annoyances to osteoarticular lesions. Can be divided into acute and chronic, can lead to withdrawal from daily activities by their high discomfort (PACCINI et al., 2007).

      Carvalho and Lima (2006), point out that the strengthening of the abdominal region would reduce the voltage applied to the lower back and can be an interesting measure for prevention and treatment of low back pain. In view of this place, and knowing that the Pilates method aims to strengthen the central power, the authors investigated the effects of such a method on low back pain.

      The absence of strengthening and / or muscle fatigue of the spinal extensors can be essential factors for the commitment alignment and column stability, causing low back discomfort. The shortening of the muscles surrounding the spine, hip and posterior region of the thigh also happens to be a triggering factor of painful symptoms by stressing the lumbar lordosis and increase the overhead column (BARROS et al., 2011).

     Silva and Mannrich (2009) analyzed the effects of the Pilates method in diverse populations such as the elderly, pregnant women and patients with low back pain. They found significant results and indicated that this training method is effective in both the prevention and rehabilitation in these populations.

     Conception and Megener (2012) analyzed the effects of three months of the Pilates method to control back pain in patients with chronic low back pain. The authors found significant results where the discomfort was much lower after the intervention period, suggesting that the method used for 3 months is efficient to allow greater comfort these patients.

    The positive results are related to the great strengthening of back and abdominal muscles recommended by the method.

     Controversy exists regarding the time required to have interesting results with the practice of Pilates. Formerly it was said that an average of six months would be appropriate, however, in the study of Conception and Megener (2012) only three months it took, and still, Jago et al. (2006) say that only 4 weeks are enough to to note results.

Image reference: Fitness Corpus