Much is said about 1RM in the literature and in everyday life, thus aiming take some questions about concepts and the 1RM test produce this text, check below:
The 1RM can be determined as the amount of maximum load that the individual can only perform one repetition maximum, as the term repeat of the understanding that has been made a move earlier, may not be the best classification for such a feat, a term that perhaps better fitting and some teachers mention in physical education courses would be the maximum concentric movement.
Mcardle and Katch (1992) define 1RM as the maximum load lifted by a guy in the execution of an exercise that requires heavy lifting. Barros et al. (2006) defines as the maximum burden that the individual can use to properly perform an exercise.
But how to assess 1RM?
There is direct method using the 1RM test and the indirect method for load estimation, highlight the direct method and in the future we will post details of the estimation method.
The direct method is intended to estimate only 1RM maximum where the individual is a warm-10 repetitions with an estimated 50% to about 1RM, usually followed by 3 minutes of rest to first attempt to measure (maximum 3 attempts on considering that fatigue may alter the test results). The movement of the eccentric phase, where the subject must lower the bar to your chest and raise as a result, always being encouraged to do two repetitions. If he gets the two, one must increase the load according to the perception of effort that the evaluator noted. In any case not complete should be decreased and the load to achieve full effect only, this will be the result of 1RM. When there are no results in three attempts, the test is rescheduled to meet him, with an interval of at least 48 hours.
Use of 1RM
1RM-up measures so that one can measure so with low cost evolution of muscle strength, whether in academia rooms as in scientific studies.
According to recommendations of ACSM (2009) and healthy young adults should conduct their training with loads between 60 and 100% of 1RM according to your goals and level of training. Studies report that training load
with less than 65% are used for the purpose of muscular endurance. Between 65% and 85% usually used for hypertrophy and values above are specific to muscle strength (FLECK, 2003; FLECK and KRAEMER, 2005; HATFIELD et al., 2006).
But it is not routinely used in clubs and gyms due to the time spent for the test without an experienced assessor, may have to be repeated a few days.
All populations can undergo such an assessment?
Gentil (2004) emphasizes care with regard to children, the elderly and patients in rehabilitation, as are populations where the maximum stress is not recommended and may potentiate injury.
Have you ever used the 1RM test in any situation? Comment and share their experiences.