What is muscle contraction?


After we talk about muscle strain and muscle stretch, now the subject matter is muscle contraction. Such injury is one of a number occurring muscle problems in sports and they deserve care and prevention.

The muscle contraction occurs when a muscle contracts more sharply than normally and remains contracted without going through the relaxation phase, generating an intense inflammatory process, with much pain and functional disability and may cause injuries in the muscle fibers (DAHER, 2014).

Already Almeida e Silva (2013) reports the muscle contraction as nothing more than an involuntary contraction and continues on a number of specific muscle fibers and may even be raised and palpable. The pain may occur in the local node or to radiate around it.

Maia (2011) reports that the reason for the appearance of contractures is still not fully known, but we know that some factors increase the likelihood of developing, as follows:

  • Poor posture and bad technical gesture
  • Psychological stress
  • Lack of flexibility and stiffness
  • Generalized fatigue

The same author also points out that the muscles related to maintenance of posture and formed by type I fibers are the most affected by muscle contractures, which leads us to believe that the biggest cause of this type of muscle injury is poor posture and bad moves run and not excessive stress itself.

So pay attention to postural correction, flexibility and level of effort are essential to reduce the risks of muscle contraction and avoid disorder during sports practice, thus keeping active and healthy.

Always remember identified any of the possible symptoms of muscle contracture, avoid efforts to identify the degree and it is capable of continuing activities, always self-respecting your health above all.

Be sure to follow, next week we’ll talk about muscle injury.