What is muscle strain?


In any physical exercise one of the largest practitioner’s concerns is to avoid muscle injuries. Awkward pains that arise during or after any movement or friction with objects or other practitioner (for contact sports) are commonly reported in the halls of academies, training centers and doctors’ offices. Unfortunately there are few sportsmen who have basis to find out what the problem may be occurring. To facilitate this issue, our intention is to highlight what is stretch, stretching and muscle injury in order to assist practitioners to know the source of your discomfort.

Today the theme is muscle strain, injury that occurs not only in athletes, but anyone participating in sports or not. This injury occurs when the tendon or muscle attached to bones about excessive strain that causes the disruption of some of the existing muscle fibers it (VARELA, 2012). According to the author such a lesion can be characterized as acute or chronic. Acute distension: Occurs by a strain in a given activity as in sports. Chronic strain: If gives the repetitive motion and prolonged using the same muscle group. Usually occurs in competitive sports.

According to Pinheiro (2015) distention can occur in three grades: Grade 1 (Mild): Causes pain and stiffness in place during movement and the pain can last a few days. Grade 2 (moderate): Causes some more serious injuries on site, the pain is more intense and can last from one week to one month. Grade 3 (Severe): The muscle is damaged and rupture, causing internal bleeding, swelling, severe pain and heat on site. In this degree, it may lose part of the function.

Varela (2012), highlights risk factors and symptoms related to strains, where the risk of suffering this type of injury increases with the lack of physical fitness and inadequate and determined activity practice, performing exercises incorrectly, start the sequence of exercises without preheating, overweight and high fatigue. Affected by such a lesion feel acute pain in the area, usually accompanied by local swelling and bruising, there is difficulty in moving the injured limb. The symptoms become more severe according to the increased degree of injury.

Affected by such a lesion feel acute pain in the area, usually accompanied by local swelling and bruising, there is difficulty in moving the injured limb. The symptoms become more severe according to the increased degree of injury. In the event you experience these symptoms, seek medical expert to better diagnosis and appropriate direction for treatment. Stay tuned for future publications will deal about stretching, contractures and muscle injury, do not miss.