What is muscle stretch?


Last week we published the concept of Muscular Strain and our intention in the current publication is the muscle stretch concept of exposure in order to physical exercise practitioners can be aware of the symptoms and when they may be suffering from this type of injury.

According to Costa (2011), the muscle strain is an indirect injury therefore does not occur in direct contact between practitioners, such lesion is characterized by stretching of the muscle fiber beyond the physiological limits.

Cohen (2012), points out that the stratch is the most common injury among runners, and indirect, where the effort required for the task is higher than that supported by the fibers, causing disruption of these, partially or totally, commonly affecting the lower limbs.

According to Oliveira (2010), stretch, and the muscular strain can be divided into three grades:

Grade 1: Is the stretching of a small amount of fiber. The subject feels pain when the muscle is contracted. The pain is localized at a specific point. The edema may be present. Minimum structural damage occur, the bleeding is small and resolution is rapid.

Grade 2: The same symptoms usually involves the previous level, but with higher intensity. Resolution slower, more decreased function and increased number of injured Muscle fibers.

Grade 3: Break Complete Muscle, with complete loss of function and palpable injury. Pain from mild to severe with edema and major bleeding.

As possible causes of stretch, some authors have reported different possibilities. Cohen (2012) reports that muscle fatigue and muscle damage occurred previously are the main reasons for the occurrence of stretches.

Already Costa (2010) highlights the muscle imbalance between agonists and antagonists as one of the main risk factors, besides the lack of flexibility.

As a treatment, the same author stresses the use of ice in place, with adequate prescription medicines (anti-inflammatories and painkillers), rest and elevation of the affected limb for better drainage.

Cohen (2012) points out that the return activities must have follow-up of specialized professionals for maximum risk reduction of new lesions.

Stay tuned in the next publications will bring the concepts of contracture and muscle injury.