What is Vitamin A?


During life we often hear the people mention the vitamins as important influences for certain bodily functions, today our intention is to highlight the functions, and where to find vitamin A, very common in our daily lives. According to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies (2004), Vitamin A is a micronutrient that plays an essential role in vision, growth, in bone development, and development and maintenance of epithelial tissue, reproductive and immunological process. In general, almost entirely lies in the body stored in the liver; the rest is stored in fat deposits, lungs and kidneys.In addition to these functions also mentioned by Zanin (2015), the author also highlights its efficiency in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). This is possible with the ingestion of such micronutrient 10 days preceding the start of the cycle. The same author also highlights the dangers caused by lack of vitamin A, which can be the cause of a type of anemia or other conditions such as night blindness, or make the skin more susceptible to infections. However, it is noted that the minimum amount needed to maintain healthy (RDA), which is between 700 and 900 mcg for adults and 300 to 400 mcg for children, is easily achieved in varied daily diet. Already Meldau (2015) highlights a broader list of possible effects of vitamin A deficiency: Xerophthalmia, and this is one of the eye problems that occur due to the retinol deficiency, and night blindness where the individual can not see with greater precision in a dark place, is one of the most frequent; Hemeralopia, which is deficient night vision, which is distinct from night blindness because it causes eye dryness, increasing the friction between the eyelids and eyes, resulting in ulcers in the eye epithelium;

Sensitivity to light (photophobia); Reduction of smell and taste; Dryness and infection of the skin and mucous membranes, called

Xeroderma; Stress; Thickening of the cornea, Skin lesions; Eye cancer; Poor immune system and can lead to frequent infections. The same author also mentions the effects occurring in the event of excessive intake of vitamin A: Dry skin, rough and scaly; Cracks lip; Follicular keratosis; Pain in bones and joints; Headache; Dizziness; Nausea; Cramps; Fall of the hair; Liver damage; Reducing the growth of the individual; Lack of appetite; Edema; Tiredness; Irritability; Epistaxis Explenmegalia and hepatomegaly; Changes in liver enzymes. In future publication we will bring foods that contain Vitamin A, do not miss.