Causes and treatments for knee injury

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       Any type of injury, be it from any source, destabilizes the joint and can damage the engine performance. The degree of injury and the occurrence of the factor that determines the form of treatment that would be appropriate.

       Interventions can cause or prevent injury, this will depend on the methods used and if it is done under proper guidance or not. Positive interventions are able to avoid future injuries from the school term, making use of pre competitive training.

     The biomechanical structure of the human being can be one of the reasons responsible for predisposition will knee injuries. Abnormal changes of the patella, joint with excessive mobility, hormonal influence and postural asymmetry in the foot and lower limb length are some of the factors (HALL, 2005).

    Often the injury occurs by a twisting maneuver, and sudden deceleration usually followed by crackling present within a few hours, or abduction with external rotation and hyperextension. The type of running, as pronation or everted forefoot, can become a factor that predisposes to various knee injuries. Other factors that can cause joint weakness is the posture, genu recurvatum (knee with excessive flexion in stance) and cavus foot (WALLACE; mangine; MALONE, 2001).

     Frequent injuries in practice occur in the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and meniscus. We will give more details on injuries at these sites.

    ACL injury usually of the stress around its structure usually caused by sprains with the fixed foot to the floor (Macnicol, 2002) and such injury causes loss of strength, elongation and partial loss of function may be transient or permanent limit patient of their sporting tasks.

    Meniscus injury usually occurs by a combination of bending and rotation, causing a distortion between the anterior and posterior portions thereof. The lesions at the level of the medial meniscus are 20 times more frequent compared to the lateral meniscus due to its adherence to the joint capsule and the collateral ligament leaving it more vulnerable. (MacNicol, 2002). Another movement with a risk of injury meniscus is full knee extension with great speed and impact with the ground, for example, after a kick in football.

    Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Meniscus has great connection when there is a disruption of LCA hence the meniscus is injured, not necessarily at a similar level. After being found these injuries and after surgical process (if necessary), the patient should be instructed properly according to the case so you know what activities are recommended for prevention of injury or at least without risks.

      Forms very used in after meniscus injury training and anterior cruciate ligament is proprioception. Method that aims to strengthen the muscles that have possibly interference in the knee joint, it being further strengthening (hamstring) and anterior thigh (quadriceps), calf muscles (gastrocnemius, soleus, anterior tibialis). The strength of these regions is aimed at achieving improvements in posture in better distribution of weight and balance.

The use of strengthening exercises and postural appropriate since childhood are a strong ally for injury prevention. In cases of rehabilitation, strenthening is also necessary to end protection, however, as a proprioceptive rehabilitation.