Effects of physical exercise on chronic pain


Pain, whether it be of any origin, is something that the human being seeks to avoid, and is considered a personal and subjective experience, not having someone else determine or predict the degree of pain that the other feels. Pain is an interpretation of a noxious stimulus in which it has function to alert the subject of some larger problem that is going to happen if there is no care (AHLBERG-HULTEN et al., 1995; CASTRO et al., 2010).

Within the context of the pain can be classified as acute or chronic. Acute pain is usually of by an injury in the body and is short-lived as soon after healing the pain disappears. Have chronic pain (CID-10), if the by prolonged pain that their cause is unclear in many cases and may even be indefinite and is not directly related to organ damage, the characteristic period of chronic pain is considered when it persists for three months or more (BERGQVIST et al., 1994).

Statistics show that about 80% of doctor visits are given because of pain. 19% of the population suffers from chronic pain are prevalent in adult women usually between 30 and 40 years (HILDEBRANDT, 1995).

The treatment of pain requires care and knowledge of the type of pain, several multidisciplinary treatment methods have been proposed so that they could neutralize such discomfort. Among these multidisciplinary programs, what stands out is the practice of strengthening exercises and stretching and aerobic (Souza et al., 2008).

The analgesic effect of exercise is witnessed since the 70’s by Dr. Black. He reported that the pain threshold had considerably increased after a run of 40 minutes. Even many years after the pioneering work, the mechanisms are not yet concrete.

Other studies using isometric exercises and relaxation in places affected by pain also reported good results by reducing edema and inflammatory effects (LIN et al., 2001; CADER et al., 2007; CASTRO et al., 2010).

Oliveira Fernandes and Daher (2014) conducted a study lasting a year and resisted using home exercises, aerobic and stretching exercises under the supervision of a professional of Physical Education where they had the most diverse chronic pain, namely: Bursitis, Patellar chondropathy, Back pain ,

Enthesitis, Plantar Fasciitis, Gonarthrosis, Low back pain, Pubalgia, Sacroiliitis and Sequel fracture. Using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for measuring pain, they obtained interesting results, where the initial score was 6.7 and at the end of the intervention period was 2.0.

Besides being of importance for the well being of the individual who suffers from pain, another factor that makes the researchers seek effective methods to mitigate and prevent chronic pain is the financial factor. About 20% of work absences are due will chronic pain (INSS, 2007).

The exercise proved very effective as a strategy to minimize the chronic pain and make the affected fittest for daily activities. Another important factor of physical exercise is the motivational factor and satisfactory due to release of dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin and endorphins (CUNHA et al., 2008).

Even with positive results with home exercises, it is important to point out the monitoring of the physical education professional in order to make the practice safely and efficiently. As not everyone has space and house material to practice, the demand for gyms and studios is necessary.

Do you feel any pain constant? Comment, share your experience and ask questions.