Know the types of feet and footsteps

Important information mainly for practitioners of physical exercises, especially runners, know the types of footsteps can help prevent unwanted pain and improve your posture.

During the step, the first foot contact with the ground is done by the heel, following occurs contact the outer edge of, ending with the anterior portion of the foot and the toes, accompanied by an internal rotation of the tibia in order to cushion the impact (check out the picture below).


Although we were created to walk barefoot, walking on hard surfaces causes us to use shoes suitable for comfortable displacement. There is no specific footwear ideal, this factor is dependent on each individual. Tips only apply in

general is not to use too tight shoes, nor too loose, it may cause injuries related to friction and / or discomfort (Guimarães et al., 2000).

The shoe used depends largely on the physical exercise that intends to practice where this has direct influence on the walking and running and could harm the practitioner performance (Omey and MICHELI, 1999).

Travel long distances make the load on the legs elevated and can be responsible for muscle pain occurring after exercise (CASELLI and LONGOBARDI, 1997).

Such pain require a detailed investigation to discover its causes, the factors may be:

  • Overweight
  • Rapid increase in distance traveled and the training load
  • Terrain
  • Caution with the musculature of the lower limbs (stretching and strengthening)
  • Coordination of movements
  • Caution with posture
  • Proper footwear

If by chance the practitioner ever attentive to all these questions, you should pay attention to the placement of your foot, and there are three types of feet and footsteps where the former are divided into: flat feet (flat), arched (concave) and normal and the footsteps being separated into: neutral, supine (out), pronated (inside).

Normal Foot: The most common where the body weight is distributed in an organized and balanced manner.

Foot Plan: Known as flat feet, has almost complete contact with the ground and have rectum format.

Foot Cavo: has well marked and bent bow, where the sole of the foot has almost no contact with the ground.

Footstep Pronated

This type of step happens when the first touch of the foot to the ground happens to the outside of the heel and slightly rises to the inside of the foot, the medial gaining momentum.

Footstep Supine

This type of stepped happens when the first touch of the foot to the ground happens to the outside of the heel and thus remains with the inward movement, laterally gained momentum.

Footstep Neutral

This stepped occurs when the first touch of the foot on the ground happens to the outside of the heel and slightly rises to the medial aspect of the foot, making a uniform motion to gain momentum in the midfoot.
