Soccer is a very complex sport that requires a connection as close to perfection to get the best result. To achieve this level, several factors must be observed, namely: technical, tactical, psychological and physical.
If we analyze the view that there are several factors that can influence an athlete’s performance, it may seem impossible to achieve optimal performance. However, with an accurate assessment, respecting the individuality of each player involved in the sport, it makes this task more accessible.
The high yield Football calendar, particularly in Brazil, is very busy, which makes the time to very short team preparation, making difficult the work of STAFF. Keeping this in view, to know what assessments allow a better analysis and that requires less time to run, become the most interesting for application.
The physical tests in football can be used according to the need of STAFF and can be individually or collectively, aiming to improve a particular characteristic
technique, tactics and physical or evolution in a general context (SANTI MARIA & CAMPEIZ, 2013).
When to evaluate?
The sport performance it comes to the proper execution of motion tasks, as mentioned Schuler (1987), in his work. Kiss (1987) reports that sports performance is an integral component of the sport at all levels the same.
Physical, tactical, technical and mental sports performance components make something so complex. Soccer is a sport that requires a good connection between the various capacities, for the physical abilities (strength, speed, endurance, agility, etc.) are conditioned and a prerequisite for the technical performance (kicks, dribbles, headers, etc. .), tactical (marking, positioning, etc.) and psychological (motivation, confidence, etc.)
The sports calendar is divided into pre-season and competition, where for both, should be evaluated athletes, but at each stage, the emphasis is for certain characteristics.
During the preseason, coaches seek to emphasize the physical aspects, which make them well-prepared athletes to achieve other features. Amid season, STAFF aims to improve the technical and tactical components. (SILVA NETO, 2006).
The physical assessment in the sporting calendar must take place in several stages, the first preceding the macrocycle, with characteristic diagnostic, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each athlete, which in the season occur new reviews, seeking feedback of run training, identifying whether the method is adequate or needs adjustment (JHONSON & NELSON, 1979).
The same authors suggest that the first evaluation should take place preceding the pre-season, the second assessment after the pre season and preceding the competition and the third evaluation, after the competition, to identify the maintenance or development achieved during the season.
What to evaluate?
For a proper assessment in football we have established criteria in the selection of the tests to be applied, searching for that is directly related to the specificity of sport and the motivation stimulated by the assessor must be constant (SANTI MARIA & CAMPEIZ, 2013).
Football requires strength, speed, agility and a great ability to perform activities at high intensity with little recovery from the actions of the game, and a body composition that enables high performance (SANTI MARIA & CAMPEIZ, 2013).
Another evaluation is needed of cardiorespiratory capacity in view of the distance traveled during a football match, for that, we should evaluate the athlete’s VO2 max (SANTI MARIA & CAMPEIZ, 2013).
For evaluating the speed should not be used distance unused during the match thus most commonly used tests are 5-30 meters. Regarding agility, more tests are: Illinois Agility Test, T40 or agility test 20 meters (SANTI MARIA & CAMPEIZ, 2013).
Vertical and horizontal thrust tests are necessary in view of the explosive force, very useful for a quick muscular reaction of the athlete as possible to assess the thrust of the athlete and his ability to stand out in aerial moves (KRAEMER & Hakkinen, 2004).
Finally the battery of tests, the flexibility, which is necessary in order that a muscle with good flexibility is capable of great range of motion and comfort, leading also less prone to muscle injuries (SANTI MARIA & CAMPEIZ, 2013).
The next publication will present details regarding battery of tests.