In the previous publication reported on physical tests in football, which we mentioned when they should be used and to be evaluated. In the current publication we will cite widely used tests in Football and details about them.
The tests to be mentioned are linked to various types of assessment, namely: Anthropometric assessment, aerobic, muscle strength, speed, agility and flexibility.
The presented assessments were consulted in the book: Soccer: The Game Applied Sciences and Training (2013).
Anthropometric assessments should send relevant information to body size and body composition. For this it uses:
Height: Barefoot and with light clothing athlete, eyes on a fixed point in front and body aligned in the standing position. The measurement should be carried out after full inspiration evaluated. The measurement should always occur at the same time of day (ALVAREZ & Pavan, 2003).
Equipment: Estadiometer wood or metal with scale of 0 to 250 cm.
Body mass: barefoot and with light clothing athlete, eyes on a fixed point in front and aligned body in the standing position, with feet on the same line of the shoulders and back to the display of the balance.
Equipment: anthropometric balance, accurate to 100 g and scale of 0 to 150 kg.
It occurs by marking anatomical points where the clamping is the same for 3 consecutive times not 1 cm above the demarcation and used the mean value between them. Usually the measuring technique for athletes is Petroski (2003).
Equipment: A good adipometer and calibrated to an accuracy of 1 mm. Traditionally it is suggested Lange and Cescorf.
Such capacity is usually measured by assessing the VO2 max, which can be done by two methods: Direct evaluation by treadmill test with progressive load and if possible, slope, where it is analyzed the fraction of oxygen and carbon dioxide exhaled by the subject.
However, as the cost for the first option is high, there is an indirect assessment using field tests approaching mobility used in sports. The most commonly used test is the Yo Yo intermittent Recovery Test (Bangsbo, 1996).
The test consists of running back and forth system in a corridor 20 meters long and a short trot 5 meters in order to make the outline to follow through with the test. The speed is imposed by noise signals which reduce the time between them every one minute test. If the athlete does not reach the mark twice within the same level or give up the test is terminated.
Equipment: Stereo and CD with the relevant audio to test, record annotation turns and speed that ended the test.
Maximum load test (1RM)
It is used in order to measure the maximum load that can perform a full rated concentric movement. The test of the estimate of a load possibly the athlete could perform only one complete movement.
In the case of conducting two full-motion, or can not handle the proposed move, the load must be changed between 1 and 5 kg in order to adapt to overload.
To find the 1RM are made up to 3 attempts at intervals of 3 to 5 minutes between them. If there is no success, the test should be repeated with an interval of at least 48 hours.
Vertical jump test without countermovement – Squat Jump (SJ)
The technique consists of making a vertical jump with half squat that from a static position to squat about 110 ° without countermovement. Hands should be fixed close to the hip, suprailiac region and legs must remain extended during the flight (BOSCO, 1994).
Vertical jump test with countermovement – countermovement jump (CMJ)
The athlete starts from a standing position with knees in 180 °. The maximum vertical jump occurs with the rated starting from a counter without contribution of the upper limbs. The interval between attempts, and the previous test, is 10 seconds (Bosco, 1994).
Speed is a determining capacity in Soccer, where stocks with high speeds are essential to define the result of a match. It is suggested, given the specificity of the football, use assessments 5-20 only meters therefore are these distances that occur most swift actions of a match.
Equipment: cones, tape, and two pairs of photocells.
Illinois Agility Test
Should be performed after a proper warm-up and consists in the execution of shift into a path without the ball and ball, aiming the technical deficit percentage and measure comparisons between different evaluations during the season.
The athlete must perform four attempts starting twice on each side, and the same occurs with the ball should, however, preferably up periods or different days.
Test T40m
The test has the same purposes of evaluation without the ball and the ball, however, the route is different. As mentioned the test name, it amounts to 40 meters in size T.
The subject has to go 10 meters, where it changes direction quickly covering five meters to the left and then 10 meters to the right, which returns to the left five meters and ends the test 10 meters returning to the starting point.
The procedure should be repeated with the ball after two minutes.
20m agility test
It consists of 20 meters go away with changes every 4 meters, which should occur attempts 2 starting from the left side and two on the right.
Typically it has been used the sit and reach test on the bank of Wells, where he evaluates the flexibility of the posterior region of the thigh, hip and lower back. They are performed three attempts, where it recorded the greatest distance achieved by the subject.