One of the main objectives in training programs, hypertrophy is the main theme of the third part of the Special periodization, know the recommendations for a program aimed at muscle hypertrophy, according to ACSM (2009).
Muscular action
According to ACSM (2009), studies indicate that for a hypertrophy program to include concentric movements, eccentric and isometric is needed for better results in all training levels (beginners, intermediate and advanced).
Volume and overload
There are a variety of training styles that have demonstrated positive results with regard to muscle mass in men and women (CURETON et al., 1988; KRAEMER and Ratamess., 2004; AHTINAIEN et al, 2005; MITCHEL et al, 2012). . In sedentary individuals or intermediaries, even in a general training program is able to achieve an increase in lean body mass.
However, when the practitioner is at an advanced level, the manipulation of variables such range, overcharging and training volume are interesting. At this level of training, progress overload, keep the relatively high volume and reduce the time seems to be efficient (KRAEMER and RATAMESS 2004; FLECK and KRAEMER, 2006).
This strategy has proven more effective in stimulating the production of testosterone and GH than training programs with high loads, high volume and long intervals (about 3 minutes) (KRAEMER et al, 1991;. GOTO et al., 2004) . The conventional weight training (high loads and low reps considerable period of rest) hypertrophic has obtained good results, however, Goto et al. (2004) found better results when added series with lower load and higher number of repetitions among the training session.
Therefore, the use of Drop-set (FLECK and KRAEMER, 2006) can be interesting at times to a new stimulus and assist in increasing muscle mass. This result may be due to the scope of concentric failure, which according to Mitchell et al. (2012), reflected in better results compared to series that do not reach such a state, whatever the load employed.
The ACSM (2009) emphasizes that interim strength training (fewer repetitions and high load) and training for hypertrophy (moderate to high repetitions until concentric failure with moderate-high load) seems to be the program that best reflected in hypertrophic good results.
Exercise selection and order
The use of single joint exercises as multiarticulars bring benefits over hypertrophy, however, larger adjustments require multi-joint exercise (CHILIBECK et al., 1998). The order of the exercises is not well studied, but it is suggested to use the same order used in strength training (SIMON et al., 2007).
Rest period
The volume of resting metabolic factors affect (Ratamess et al., 2007), and hormonal (KRAEMER and RATAMESS, 2005). Some results differ with respect to the rest period. Ahtiainen et al. (2007) compared intervals of 2:05 minutes
and found no significant differences from the muscle area. However, Kraemer et al. (1990 and 1991), report that intervals of 1 to 2 minutes lead to greater anabolic responses that longer intervals.
The ACSM (2009) suggests recovery intervals changes inversely proportional to employee overhead, creating new stimuli.
Speed of execution
The ACSM (2009) recommends the use of slow speeds to moderate for beginners and intermediates and in the case of individuals with advanced training level speeds are used in accordance with its purpose, and in the case of interest in muscle hypertrophy, slow speeds are employed (FARTHING and CHILIBECK, 2003; MUNN et al., 2005).
The training rate is variable according to the number of muscle groups trained for each session, as well as the volume and intensity of training. De 2 to 3 days frequencies has proved interesting for beginners and intermediates (CANDOW and BURKE, 2007). In the case of subjects with advanced training, higher frequencies are interesting.