Special periodization Part VI – Importance in the application in sports


Today we present the last part of the Special periodization. After talking on the Principle of progression on the trainable features in a training program, and highlight recommendations for training programs for hypertrophy, increased muscle power and recommendations for training aimed at increasing muscle resistence, today the subject matter is the relevance of periodization in the application in sports. The engine performance improvements achieved through resistance training are dependent on the specific nature of the exercises, where the best results are achieved the more specific are the exercises according to the ability that retouching (ACSM, 2009).

Vertical Jump The production of isokinetic strength and dynamic resistance are correlated with the vertical jump height (PETERSON, ALVAR and RHEA, 2006). Weight training turns out interesting to improved performance in the vertical jump (Adams et al., 1992). It has been reported strong correlations between closed kinetic chain exercises (exercises where the distal segment is fixed, like squats) and performance in the vertical jump (BLACKBURN and Morrissey, 1998). Multi-joint exercises like Olympic lifting are shown very effective for improving the jump (Hoffman et al., 2004).

The high speed and joint involvement of these exercises and their ability to integrate the strength, power and neuromuscular coordination shows a direct transition to improve performance leap. Specific plyometric exercises are interesting in combination with weight training. Speed Sprint The production is directly related to sprint speed (Anderson et al., 1991), besides being a good indicator speed when the movements are performed in speeds above 180 ° / sec.

The relation of force with acceleration and speed (PETERSON, ALVAR and RHEA, 2006) is like the relationship with the jumping power and height (Cronin and Hansen, 2005). Despite the reported relationship in literature, traditional strength training and ballistic caused only minor reductions in sprint time (Mc BRIDE et al, 2002;. Hoffman et al., 2004). However, strength training specifies hip flexors, performed by Deane et al. (2005), achieved significant results in reducing sprint time. The ACSM (2009) recommends the use of global strength and ballistic combined with specific exercises like plyometric training and sprints for improvement (Mc BRIDE et al, 2002;. Hoffman et al., 2004).

Agility Muscle strength is an important factor in an individual to have the ability to stop and change direction quickly (PETERSON, ALVAR and RHEA, 2006). The strength and muscle power of lower limbs trained through multi-joint exercises have shown more significant results in increased agility (MARKOVIC, 2007). Anderson et al. (1991) suggests the use of high loads as more efficient to increase the speed.

Conclusion After 6 articles on periodization, we closed our special. We highlight that the manipulation of the relevant variables to weight training are dependent on the objective to be achieved, respecting the individuality of the practitioner. The use of suitable equipment, seeking safety and student efficiency. The proposed recommendations in our special originate from the ACSM (2009) and vary for each case, and not only used for income but also aimed at health and physical fitness.