The influence of music on the maximum number of repetitions during training.


We often see in gyms from all over the world practicing with your headphones. Some for use as a form of concentration, others by opting for your favorite music or various other reasons. Dai ask ourselves, what influence this habit performance in training?

Resistance training (weight training) is a practice that aims to improve on several variables such as strength, power, increased lean body mass, body fat reduction, pain relief, among others. The benefits of weight training take place at all stages of life, in different proportions according to age group (KRAEMER e RATAMES, 2004).

For good results with resistance training is needed know it’s important to pay attention to several variables during the sessions, such as: frequency of training intensity, volume, range of motion, speed of execution, as well, can have a huge possibility combinations (RHEA et al., 2003; WOLFE, LEMURA e COLE, 2004).There is no perfect formula to achieve the best results, each stage of life and training stage has its peculiarities.

Aspect that can contribute in training is the psychological factor, where some authors have mentioned the influence of music on exercise, indicating that while being in contact with sounds, the person feels more lively, relaxed or stimulated, thus improving performance ( Broadbent, 1958; Hernadez- Peon et al. 1961; Marteniuk, 1976).

But does this influence of music is the same with any musical style? In weight training there is also this influence?

Rodrigues, Junior and Furtado (2014), thinking on this issue, assessed young adult males and volunteers had to perform the supine straight and leg press 45 ° in three situations: listening to your favorite music, listening to music you do not like and without music. The authors found significant differences of favorite music compared to the two other options on the bench press, however, the leg press, there were no such significant results.

Lane, Jackson and Terry (2005), mentions in his study something that can support the finding of the study quoted above. The authors report that running practitioner preference exercises also stimulates their courage regarding exercise that does not like to run.

As the study of Rodrigues, Junior and Furtado had the men volunteers, the preference for bench press exercise Reto possibly be responsible for the results have greater effect on this.

Thus, it can be stated that the use of favorite music during training sessions can have a positive effect on the performance of practitioners training with weights, becoming as mentioned Rodrigues, Junior and Furtado (2014), a psychological ergogenic aid.

Do you often take your headset for training? For what reason? What results has seen? Comment, participate and share their experiences.