What are ligaments?

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As well as the joints (discussed above), the ligaments are important structures for mobility in daily activities and sports. Today we present more information regarding the ligaments.

Suzarte (2010) reports that the ligaments has the function of connecting one bone to another, if there is injury, some sections tend to go in different locations throughout its length, and they can be injured without external tissue damage. The more complex joints such as the knee, require ligaments that attach the joint capsule that is characterized by a connective membrane surrounding synovial joints.

For Benjamin and Ralphs (1997) Ligaments are specialized structures that connect bones to each other, able to promote stability of the joints, has motion driving joint function. Are dense connective tissue pieces composed by collagen fibers that provide high tensile strength.

They suggest that the primary function of the ligaments is to prevent excessive or abnormal movements and to maintain joint stability for their proprioceptive function (BENJAMIN & Ralphs 1997).

Ligaments, according to their location, can be intracapsular and extracapsular. The intracapsular ligament (intra-articular) are found within the joints and are surrounded by the synovial membrane. The extracapsular ligaments (periarticular) are located outside the joint capsule (DYCE et al., 1997; FRANDSON et al., 2005).

Here are a few settings on each type of ligament.

Capsular ligaments (appear as thickening in some areas of the Joint Capsule

Ex .: temporomandibular ligament (ATM)

Ligamento temporomandibular (ATM)

Extra-capsular ligaments and intra-articular (are fibrous cords which extend from one to the other joint part).

Ex .: fibular collateral ligament of the knee.

Ligamento colateral fibular do joelho.

Extra-capsular ligaments and intra-articular (are fibrous cords that attach the joint admission pieces).

Ex .: cruciate ligaments anterior and posterior knee.

Ligamentos cruzado anterior e posterior do joelho.