What is Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph?

You may never have heard about ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph, but it has great importance in defining bodily features. When we are fertilized, our training contains three somatotypes originating from three embryonic tissues: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. With advancing of time, the formation is in charge to follow one of three paths, determining the individual biotype. Ectomorph: Characterized by a slender body, with low muscle mass with a tendency to tone the muscles, but without gaining large volume. With accelerated metabolism, it has great trouble gaining weight, requiring less concern with food, where good food will result in greater control of weight. Usually with fine and short bones. The difficulty occurs in muscle mass, which requires a lot of effort to get results. Mesomorph: Etymologically, “meso” means “half” thus is the biotype lying between ectomorfo and Endomorph. Such biotype brings greater ease with respect to obtaining an athletic body. With great ease to acquire muscle mass volume, strength and toning. People with this biotype who practice weight training has huge possibility of winning a body with great muscle mass and definition. Your metabolism is normal with no major concerns with diets, but good control, because it is easier to acquire body fat compared to ectomorphs. Endomorph: It is the biotype with lower metabolic rate, which causes greater tendency to accumulate body fat. More difficult to achieve toning, making the flaccid muscles. Traditionally people who have this biotype it more difficult to maintain body weight, and most important a controlled diet as well as exercise, aimed at reducing or maintaining body weight. It is concerned about the biotype that is most similar to you? Do not worry, even being born with genetic dominance prone to certain somatotype, we can adapt it to what is convenient, but not so easily. This fact is often the case with high-level athletes or people with a history in some activity. Verification of somatotype can not be directly linked gene will of the subject (Figueiredo, 2010). body_types1