What is Glycemic Index?


The Glycemic Index (GI) is a factor that should be considered within the alimentation of physical exercise practitioners, therefore, it has a direct influence on the amount of daily meals. Thus, today we separated an article explaining what it is the glycemic index and levels.

The IG is a marker used to classify foods containing carbohydrates, highlighting the glycemic response value are promoting after consumption (RABAIOLLI et al., 2008).

Some authors (Wolever et al, 1991; Ball et al, 2003; Brazilian Society of Diabetes, 2008; commented on the reference values on this variable, which state that is classified as follows:

Low: <than 55

East: 56-69

High:> 70

What is stressed by the authors is the GI of food is dependent upon a number of factors. The reasons that affect intestinal motility and the secretion of insulin has a direct effect on this parameter.

Other elements that determine the glycemic index are:

Proportion between the types of carbohydrates (amylose or amylopectin);

Content of fibers and macronutrients comprise food;

The degree of starch granule processing;

The method and time of cooking (baking).

Studies have found that diets composed of foods with high glycemic index provide a lower level of satiety, leading the subject to having to feed more often during the day, thus increasing their likelihood of increased body weight.

Eating foods high in fiber and with a low energy density are alternatives recommended to control appetite (PAI, GHUGRE, Udipi, 2005). Other possible changes of this type of diet is changing the lipid profile and insulin secretion (GUTIERREZ And ALFAAZ, 2006; BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF DIABETES, 2008).

The glycemic index is also an indicator of the speed at which the sugar in food reaches the bloodstream. Be aware of this factor is important to have good control of blood glucose.

In contrast to foods with high GI foods with low glycemic index, decrease hunger, increase satiety and improve weight control. The high glycemic index foods are indicated for the rapid replenishment of energy, for example, during or immediately after training. (ZANIN, 2015)