What is melatonin?

Fonte: drfredericolobo.com.br

Fonte: drfredericolobo.com.br

The human body produces various hormones that are able to regulate the routine activities of daily life. Melatonin is one of them, and the current publication will talk more about it.

Melatonin (MEL) is the major hormone of the pineal gland. It was first isolated in 1958 (Lerner et al., 1958).

It is produced and secreted primarily by the pineal gland pinealocytes (Lerner et al., 1958 BRZEZINSKI, 1997), the substance has the secretory peak nighttime and little or no synthesis during the day (VENECEK, 1998).

However, melatonin may be ingested as a supplement such as melatonin Optimum or remedies such as DHEA Melatonin, which helps to facilitate sleep (FRAZÃO, 2015).

By regulating the circadian rhythm, MEL secretion is closely synchronized with the sleep period. The intake (Lieberman et al., 1984) or by inhalation (VOLLRATH et al., 1981) MEL increases the propensity for sleep and quality of sleep (Tzischinsky & LaViE, 1994).

Some findings precocious puberty associated with low MEL levels (Waldhauser et al,. 1991) and hypogonadism associated with high levels of it (PUIG-Sunday, 1992) supports the hypothesis that the MEL has a role in the regulation of puberty .

Exercise can speed up the phase shift of some biological markers, such as the release of the hormone melatonin, thus demonstrating a direct relation with markers related to the sleep-wake cycle (Miyazaki et al., 2001).

The practice of physical exercise and the differences in their intensities, volumes and level of physical activity of the practitioner can determine some of these changes may alter the TSH and melatonin markers, changing so their sleep.

Studies have examined the effects of exercise on nocturnal sleep and Van Reet et al. (1994) used three hours of continuous exercise overnight and reported that there was a delay of an hour or two in the secretion of melatonin and thyrotropin. However, the study by Buxton et al. (1997) showed that sustained exercise an hour were sufficient to produce the synchronizer effects in humans.

Stay tuned, in other publications talk about the importance of sleep for sports and how to improve their hours of rest.