What is tendinitis?

Fonte: dicassobresaude

Fonte: dicassobresaude

The practice of physical exercise unaccompanied or without being considered due care for the well being of the practitioner, can cause many discomforts, among the most famous, if the tendinitis is very popular. However, it is clear that what it is tendinitis?

What is it? How is caused?

According to the physiotherapist Xymene Alexandre Gonçalves, the tendons are fibrous tissues, present in all folding parts of our body and are the structures where the muscles attach to bones.

Since tendinitis, it is inflammation of a tendon body emerges, usually due to the excess of repetitions of a motion, affecting people who spend a lot of time performing the same task, either work or leisure.

However, it can also be caused by mechanical trauma, rheumatic diseases, degenerative process of joints, infections and metabolic disorders as well as misfeeds, among others, being the most common occurrence of tendinitis in the shoulders, elbows and wrists.

According Louredo (2010), tendonitis can occur for two reasons: mechanical and chemical.

The mechanical causes are caused by prolonged and repetitive, and overhead. The chemical concerned is caused by misfeeding and certain toxins in the body. It can also occur when muscles and tendons are not being sufficiently drained, causing dehydration.


The symptoms can be pain, heat in the region, red tint in the injured tendon. Another common symptom is the movement limitation in the joint to which the tendon is located, preventing their full mobility.


In most cases the diagnosis is clinical, requiring only the joint examination conducted by a doctor and is easily diagnosed. In some cases the performance of an imaging test helps the doctor to determine the degree of lesion length, and ultrasound of soft tissue and useful nuclear magnetic resonance, and in most cases the clinical examination is already able to detect the tendonitis (JEAN, 2010).

Treatment and Prevention

Treatment of inflammation of the tendon is dependent on its severity. There are cases that are prescribed only anti-inflammatories, while in others it may be the immobilization of the affected limb with splints or even plaster early as in very severe cases there may be a local application of corticosteroids. Rest and physical therapy are also recommended. In cases of tendinitis with chemical origin, doctors indicate a special diet.

When treatment is not done properly and physical therapy is not made by the time determined by the doctor, can get some after-effects of tendonitis. This can lead to a torn tendon, which causes a lot of pain and incapacity for work and for physical activities.

The best way to prevent tendonitis is taking some precautions, such as:

  • Eat balanced meals;
  • Before starting an exercise routine, Eat balanced meals;
  • Before starting an exercise routine, condition the muscles;
  • Always do warm up before beginning any physical activity;
  • Who works a lot with computer and make repetitive movements should always stop and stretch to prevent RSI (repetitive strain injury);
  • Seek medical help and follow all prescribed guidelines. (Louredo, 2010)
  • Condition the muscles;
  • Always do warm up before beginning any physical activity;
  • Who works a lot with computer and make repetitive movements should always stop and stretch to prevent RSI (repetitive strain injury);
  • Seek medical help and follow all prescribed guidelines. (Louredo, 2010)